FBX Plug-in for DAZ Studio

 product-page daz-studio-4.6 FBX has quickly become a leading 3D File Interchange Format. It provides a powerful new way of working with 3D content, from a wide variety of applications and content providers.
The FBX plugin for DAZ Studio allows users to maximize their content creation pipeline by allowing them to create cutting edge content without having to worry about inter-package compatibility. Support for FBX in DAZ Studio gives you access to the wealth of tools and content available through the extensive network of FBX partners.
  • Export in standard FBX format, or using a customized export for LightWave users.
  • Supports binary or plain text file formats
  • Limit the export to selected items only, or export the entire scene
  • Export by object type. Supported types include cameras, lights, props and figures.
  • Single and multi-layered texturing options
  • Export all texture images to destination folder
  • Export morphs
  • Include skeleton and weightmaps
  • Can weld the geometry prior to exporting to make one solid mesh
  • Export animation
  • Supports Embedding Textures for file sharing with remote users