Maya tutorial: Bubbles in the glass

Active ImageWith the method described bellow you can simulate any bubbles under the water. I did try to keep all scene as simple as i can so even beginners can get good result. All the solution is only one particle emitter scaled to the size of the glass. Than the shape of the particles have been changed to blobby to be able render them with maya software renderer.





Create the simple CV curve with the shape of the glass profile.

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Select the curve you have just created and choose Surfaces>Surfaces>Revolve>option box. Click reset and make sure the Y axis is activated. Hit the Revolve button.

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Create the polygon cylinder. Scale it and delete the walls and bottom of the cylinder. Change your select mode to the Face and than select the faces and hit delete. Keep the cap of the cylinder only.

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Place the cap of the cylinder on the place where you want to have the surface of the liquid in the glass. Scale it all so it will fits in the glass.

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Create the emitter through the Dynamics>Particles>Crate Emitter>option box menu. Reset the options and select in the Basic Emitter Attribute menu Volume emitter type and set up the rate on 10. In the Volume emitter attribute menu choose Cylinder. Next in Volume speed attribute menu set up the Away From Axis to 0 and Along Axis to 1. Hit the create button.

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Select the particles and in the attributes menu find particleShape1 tab. In the Lifespan Attributes menu select the Random range and set the lifespan to 5. In the same tab a bit lower open the Render Attributes menu and select the Blobby Surface (s/w) in drop down menu. Click on the Current Render Type button. Radius attribute will appear. Set the value on 0.1.

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Now select your liquid surface and in the Dynamics menu choose Particles>Make Collide>option box. Set up Resilience to 0, Friction 0.5 and offset to 0.1. Hit the Create button.

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Select the particles again and choose from the top menu Window>Relationship Editors>Dynamic Relationships. Dynamic Relationships box will appear. Click on the particle1 in the left column than activate Collisions round button and click in the right column on your liquid surface plane node. It will change to the yellowish color. That means it is activated.

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With this set up you can now put the turbulence field to distort the movement of the bubbles or speed a bit up theirs moves as they reach higher of the glass with uniform field. You can also change the random size of the bubbles if you put a small expression like this: particleShape1.radiusPP = rand(.1,.3); on the radiusPP attribute.

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click the picture to get the movie


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